Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Here we go again...

Madagascar has been like the song that keeps playing over and over in my head for the past year and a half. At the most random moments of any day I'll flash back to a sound, a smell, a sight, a moment from my memories. If not memories, I cannot forget the perspectives and beliefs that are the reality somewhere else, nor do I want to. And now after constant replay in my mind, I can say that I'm going back for real.

To rewind for a moment, what was Madagascar round one for me? I studied abroad through SIT's Madagascar: Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program, a decision based on simultaneous interest in Environmental Science and French (Madagascar is a francophone country). This experience was more rewarding and drastically life changing than I would have imagined, and I fell in love with far more than I would have ever predicted. I also discovered the experience of being abroad, to be something of a calling- I loved almost every minute of it, even the unfamiliar, the uncomfortable, the awkward. A part of my experience included an Independent Study Project, where I created a study looking at viewpoints of villagers regarding the concept of conservation and in relation to their proximity to a national park. The diversity of viewpoints as well as the struggles underlined in my study's results have ultimately stuck with me. 

Coming back to finish my studies in the United States, I've had a new found drive and focus on issues of the environment, social justice and development in the "developing" world.More than anything I want to do something to do good in the world, and to help. To help the people, and to help the environment, and to find ways in which the two are compatible, not mutually exclusive.

Fast forward about a year after my time in Madagascar following a week-long road trip in July, moving my sister to the East coast, I ended up in a conversation about my experiences in Madagascar with my seatmate on the plane ride home . Upon landing a neighbor across the way told me she had overheard our discussion about Madagascar and mentioned that she had a friend who went there with an organization. "Can you put me in contact with her?!" It was through this twist of fate that I became connected with Hope for Madagascar, the organization I will be working with.

Since becoming connected with Hope for Madagascar, I have been learning about the organization, their previous and ongoing projects, in addition figuring out my potential role in working with them in Madagascar. I am going to be volunteering through Hope for Madagascar, to work in the rural southwest part of the country in areas of education, environment and development. 

Working at 3(ish) part-time jobs, coursework, and horses have been my life as of late....and now I'm coming to the point where I'm going to let all of these things go at the same time. It feels like deciding to jump without a parachute, but knowing with all of my heart that I want to do it. So here we go again... I just bought an airline ticket to take me back to the other side of the world come the end of June, so I can now say it's truly going to happen. So the countdown begins...I'm going back to Madagascar!

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