Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nostalgia & Excitement

I can’t believe I’m finally about to start my journey back to Madagascar! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod keeps running through my head, in some ways it feels like Madagascar the first time was just a dream and now going back… I don’t know. But in a shout out to all of the wonderful people and things I am leaving, this post is in honor of all those I will miss (or miss already!)

1. Oregon State- It’s the first time in my life when I’m not looking immediately ahead to school, and while it’s amazing to be done I did love my experience as a student and all of the different areas I got to explore while I was at OSU. I had the opportunity to work with a lot of amazing faculty, meet students of all different backgrounds and aspirations, and have been really proud of my accomplishments both in and out of the classroom.

 2. My job at Sibling Revelry- when I was first hired  years ago, I had no idea that I would be sticking with this job through the rest of my college career, but I could not have asked for a better job with more amazing people. It’s been a fun change from everything else I do (horses & school). There has been so much laughter, joy, and wonderful conversations with my co-workers and bosses, and I have learned a lot from my experiences working with all of our customers.

3. My horse, Sonny, and the “horse world”, and my horse friends – I have mixed feelings about this one. I’ve had my horse Sonny since I was 12, so I’ve pretty much grown up and learned from him for half my life. Sonny brought me from “nervous novice” all the way up through the levels of my sport, beared with me hauling him all over the place for pony club, lessons and competitions, and helped teach me to deal with the unexpected and remain calm no matter what life throws out (whether it be a spook, bucking fit, or something more relevant to the rest of my life). There have been plenty of tears, plenty of tumbles over the years, but I’ve learned from all of them. I know Sonny will make a great match for his new partner whoever they will be, and I hope they get the chance to learn as much from him as I did. In addition to the horse himself, the network of friends I have in the horse world, who have supported me, taught me, or ridden alongside me over the years- it’s so strange to be leaving, and I miss you already! We’ll see how I do in a world of horse deprival- I may be back :) but I am excited about the options opened up by being horse free for the first time as an adult.

4.Oregon. Although, with the rain at the moment it’s not too hard to imagine going to a tropical country, but I know I will miss a summer of bike rides, evergreens and blackberry picking, fall colors, possible snow showers, fellow environmentalists…       


5. My amazing ex-roommate and other friends- My roommate was a lucky craigslist find, after returning from studying abroad. From bike rides to Dutch bros, tabata, summer adventures, Western bar nights, fondue adventures, pizza and wine…it’s been a perfect match and so fun living together the last year and a half! And lots of love to those friends I didn’t see quite so often (everyday), and also to those long-term friends I have seen far too few times over the last couple years. 

6. My family- who have been supportive of me, despite my announcement of my intent to go (again) to the other side of the world with a less than 100% concrete plan. I know this is hard for you, and that I have answered, “I don’t know” to more of your questions than you would have liked. Thank you for sticking with me. I love you!!

That all being said… I am so so so excited, so ready for this adventure. So long for now, and maybe for the last time posting from the U.S.! Now looking forward to my day and a half of travel before I’m in Madagascar! Wish me luck!

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